Monday, March 07, 2011


Day 1 - 07/03/2010

To edit the footage we used Final Cut Express on a iMac computer. 

We we spent a whole day editing the footage that was shot on days 1 and 2. Once all the footage had uploaded it was time to start cutting and putting together the clips in the right order. It took about 3 hours to get 3 mins of the film cut down and in the right sequence, we then had to go back and put in transitions and fix any clips which looked odd. In the first scene Saira and jordan were meant to come out of their house's using a split screen i would put these two clips together however when i did this it didnt look very good as one of the shots was unsteady and they both had different ways of coming out the house. I decided to leave this out and just have to seperate clips of them coming out of their houses. I also had difficulty trying to do the pan and zoom edit as final cut express was not letting me edit the clip i wanted to edit and would keep going back to the orgianal cut rather than the cut i had made. I left this for another day when my teacher could figure out what was wrong. When editing the footage we realised that there wasnt enough proof to show that jordan was running late, it was a little bit vague. This made us reconsidering re-filming some new scenes, which we could put in to make it seem like it more. By the end of the editing setion we completed 3 and 1/2 minutes of our short film, we still have 3 more minutes to go.

Day 2 - 08/03/2010

Today we did more editing and were able to finish editing the sequence of our film however there is still a lot to do. Firstly, once the clips were cut down and put together we started to look for non-copyright music which we could use to put in our film. Our whole film is going to have music throughout there isnt going to be any diegetic sound apart from the alarm clocks at the beginning. We found a couple pieces of music, but when we put them with our footage it didnt go very well, instead of doing the music we fixed some more of the clips by slowing a couple down and speeding some up, as some of the clips seemed to take two long.

Feedback from editing days 1&2:
Our media teacher said that we needed some good pieces of music to go with our film, as the film would rely on the music going with the film. He also thought that the beginning didnt show well that Jordan was running late and maybe we should add some extra shots of the time.

Day 3 - 09/03/2010

Today we had to figure out what music would go with the film, it was quite difficult trying to decide on a piece of music that would fit it. Eventually we found a couple pieces of music that might be able to fit with the film. We decided that we were going to make a contrast between Saira's and Jordans scene by making the music completly different. Sairas music will be calm representing that she is on time and Jordans music is quite fast paced showing that he's in a rush.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011


Day 1 - 01/03/11:

Today the group started the first day of filming. The group met at our actor Jordans House, where we would film the first shots. The first thing we shot was Jordan waking up to his alarm, we got a close-up shot of his alarm going off. We also got the neccessary shots of him getting ready. Once we had done this we went and filmed the shots of Jordan missing the train and where he got the drink spilt on his top. We had a few Shots of Saira done today, the ones that mainly involved Jordan in the scene. We focused most of our filming on Jordan today.

Things that went well:
- Got alot of different camera angles
- Made a lot of progress towards getting quite a lot of scenes done.

Things that didnt go so well:
- When looking back at the footage, team members were also in the shots
- Actors kept looking at the camera

Day 2 - 04/03/11:

Today we spent more time on filming the scenes where Saira and Jordan Finally meet. This was film in Hyde Park in London. There was the scene where they meet at the fountain and the different shots of them at the Cafe and having a water fight.

Things that went well:
- The weather was good which set the mood for our romantic comedy.
- We were able to get all of saira and jordans scenes together done

Things that didn't go so well:
- There was dark lighting in one of the shots which we didnt realise at the time, this may need to be re-done or cut out of the film.
- There were a few mise en scene mistakes

Feedback from filming
We showed the footage we had filmed on days 1 & 2  to our media teacher, who fedback that the footage we had didnt seem to fit the story it was supposed to tell. He also thought that we could re-do a few of the handle held shots as they werent steady and instead use the tripod as well as including more close-up shots to furthur reflect the emotions of the characters.

Day 3 - 10/03/11
Today we went and filmed the morning scene with jordan again, from the feedback received from our media teacher we used to tripod to film the front door scene so that we had a good steady shot. We wanted to film this scene again as we wanted to make jordan look as if he was in a rush and late as it wasnt quite clear in the first set of footage.

Things that went well:
- The acting was more convincing and portrayed the right situation.
- The film will hopefully make more sense now we have filmed the new footage.

Things that didnt go so well:
- We had to re-film a scene as he was wearing the wrong t-shirt.